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Gynecological Oncology at MSF in Malawi W/M

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Médecins Sans Frontières, association médicale humanitaire internationale créée en 1971, apporte une assistance médicale à des populations dont la vie est menacée : principalement en cas de conflits armés, mais aussi d'épidémies, de pandémies, de catastrophes naturelles ou encore d'exclusion des soins.

Why join MSF?
Over the past years Cervical Cancer has swept across Malawi as it accounts for 40% of all cancers among women and kills an estimated 2,300 a year. MSF has opened an operating theatre, an 18-bed inpatient ward and a day clinic as well as palliative care services. MSF also supports the Ministry of Health in provision of chemotherapy for the cervical cancer patients, and is currently looking into the possibilities of implementation radiotherapy. This has all been done with the aim of helping make a lasting difference in the lives of the affected women.

Brief description of Malawi
The republic of Malawi is a landlocked country in South-eastern Africa spans over 118,484 km2 (45,747 sq. mi) and has an estimated population of 17,563,749 [i] . Malawi’s population is young, with 44% aged under 15years, 51% aged between 15-59 years and 5% aged 60 years or older. Malawi is a generally peaceful country and has had stable governments since independence in 1964. One-party rule ended in 1993; since then multi-party presidential and parliamentary elections have been held every five years. Malawi remains one of the poorest countries in the world despite making significant economic and structural reforms to sustain economic growth. The economy is heavily dependent on agriculture, employing nearly 80% of the population, and it is vulnerable to external shocks, particularly climatic shocks.

Description of MSF Assignment in Malawi
In 2017 MSF-France took on the challenge of developing a comprehensive Cervical Cancer program with the ambition of addressing complex issues as inequalities in accessing screening programs, early diagnosis, and treatment encountered in low- and middle-income countries. The program aims to develop new approaches and targets all stages of the Cervical Cancer disease course from HPV-infection, development of pre-cancerous lesions and high-grade lesions, progression into invasive cancer, metastatic cancer and end of life phase. In collaboration with the national Ministry of Health, an integrated approach to the diagnosis and management of women's cancers involving vaccination, screening, diagnosis, treatment, surgery, chemotherapy and palliative care is provided by a team of specialists, both expatriate and national.

Testimonial from the national gyne-oncological surgeon
“The unavailability or otherwise inadequate treatment options for those diagnosed with cervical cancer in Malawi resulted in the creation of “cervical cancer death reservoirs”. These are pools of women who are at risk of dying from undiagnosed, diagnosed but untreated or inappropriately treated cervical cancers. I joined MSF in 2019, as it presented an opportunity for me to take part in addressing this problem. Along with it, has been an amazing learning and collaborative working experience that has truly changed the lives of over many women within. To date, over 9 ESGO Onco-surgeons have rotated through the project, bringing with them the much-needed experience and skills that have been imparted on me and my colleagues. The holistic approach that we follow at MSF has made it possible to have those that are disadvantaged the most be reached and helped. It is a journey with its highs and lows as the tasks can be challenging, but we keep moving as I continue making new friends!” Dr George Chilinda (Malawi)

Testimonial from one of the expatriate gyne-oncological surgeons
“When MSF sent me on my first mission to Malawi, I had heard about the endemic threat of cervical cancer in the country, but I had, of course, no idea of how big the problem really was. Treating so many patients, many of them in late stages of the disease, can be challenging, physically and mentally. But I was and still am amazed about the high standards and quality of treatment we at MSF are able to provide, even under circumstances in a low-income country. This is due to our interdisciplinary team of extremely skilled surgeons, gynecologists and medical doctors, dedicated and caring nurses, psychologists and social workers and not to forget the big bunch of logistics and paramedical services. The professional management of the project made my start very easy. The warmth of the friends I made here will make my parting rather hard”, says Dr Sebastian Hentsch (Germany).

Gynecologists specialized in Cervical Pathology and/or Gynecological Oncology will be able to collaborate with the medical team and supervise the quality of healthcare in the projects, taking charge of certain consultations themselves and performing surgical interventions.

Two different positions are available in our Oncology Project:

1.       - Gynecologist with Colposcopy and Cervical Pathology experience

Long term position (6 to 12 months).
2.        Gyne-oncology surgeon
Short term mission (6 weeks minimum)
They will be handling the following tasks/holding the following activities:

  • Provide cervical screening, diagnosis and precancerous lesion treatment to out-patients: colposcopy, biopsy, endocervical curettage, LEEP, thermoablation

  • Provide ultrasound cancer staging

  • Perform basic (for the gynecologist) and complex (for the gyne-onco surgeon) surgical procedures in accordance with MSF protocols and international guidelines

  • Participate in the Multidisciplinary Tumor Board (MDT) meeting with the multidisciplinary team for patients’ treatment pathway (chemotherapy, surgery, radiotherapy, palliative care)

  • Participate in discussions on and the definition of project objectives

  • Provide technical expertise in their field of expertise: helping to improve the staff's technical performances, improving the quality of care in consideration of patient’s needs, adherence to medical protocols, etc.

  • take part in training offered to the healthcare staff and provide individual mentorship and support.



  • Medical doctor diploma in obstetrics-gynecology

  • Current matriculation in Medical Council/Board

  • Subspecialist accreditation in gynecological oncology (only for the Gynecologist specialist in Gynecological Oncology position)


Solid surgical skills (see details above)


Gynecologist specialist in Gynecological Oncology: 6 weeks minimum

Gynecologist with Colposcopy and Cervical Pathology experience : long term position (6 to 12 months)

Language: English B1 level

Would you like to join our team in 2025? 
We urgently need

1) Gynecologist specialists in Gynecological Oncology as of 01/02/2025 for 1 month mission and
2) Gynecologists with Colposcopy and Cervical Pathology experience for long term positions (6-12 months)

Please send your application on (using FR or EN version):
stating you live in France (i.e French resident, even if this is not the case) so we can follow-up directly your application.

Notre souhait est de promouvoir l’inclusion et la diversité. Nous souhaitons également améliorer la représentation des personnes en situation de handicap au sein de nos effectifs.

Type de contrat
Date limite de dépôt de candidatures

MSF tient à la protection des données personnelles de ses membres, de ses salariés et des personnes souhaitant rejoindre l’association. Les données collectées lors de cette candidature seront strictement transmises, pour un traitement équitable et de qualité, aux personnes intervenant dans le processus de recrutement, quel que soit l’endroit où se trouve la structure MSF à laquelle elles appartiennent. Pour plus d’informations sur la façon dont sont traités vos données et vos droits, veuillez consulter notre politique de confidentialité.