Urgence Gaza/Liban

Gaza : après l’annonce d’un cessez-le-feu,
une aide immédiate et massive doit être déployée

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Faites un don


Nos équipes sont mobilisées 24h/24 pour venir en aide aux victimes. Faites un don au “Fonds régional - Urgence Gaza" pour nous aider à poursuivre nos actions dans les zones touchées par ce conflit.

Je soutiens les actions de MSF

Growing within the association

A first departure with MSF could be the start of a long career within the organisation. MSF supports a staff's long term commitment by offering them the chance to develop their skills and knowledge so that they can take on roles of responsibility either in the field or at headquarters.


Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF) teams arriving at Bangui Airport from Bangassou. Central African Republic. February 2017.
 © Borja Ruiz Rodriguez/MSF
Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF) teams arriving at Bangui Airport from Bangassou. Central African Republic. February 2017. © Borja Ruiz Rodriguez/MSF

If you join MSF, you will be asked to attend a ‘Preparation for First Departure’ (PPDC) session. The PPDC is the first chance to get to know the association, and to start understanding how it works and its culture. It is also an opportunity to meet and talk to experienced MSF personnel.

This preparation may be supplemented by more technical training that is sector-specific (logistical, administrative and medical).

Throughout your time with us, the association offers a personalised monitoring programme, overseen by a pool and careers manager, to aid in your development within the organisation and in doing so giving you the opportunity to explore different opportunities.

diverse range of training courses may be offered to you, in order for you to develop your skills within the following areas:

  • technical (medical, logistics, finance, administration and human resources)

  • team leadership and management

  • project and operations management. 


In 2017, the French section of Médecins Sans Frontières organised over 230 training sessions in Paris, Bordeaux, and its intervention locations: in total, over 3,000 French and international personnel members took part.

What does a Project Coordinator do?

John Johnson is a Project Coordinator for Médecins Sans Frontières. During an interview which took place in Maiduguri, north-eastern Nigeria in December 2016, he looks back on his career and his role, which involves supporting the medical and logictical teams to ensure they can carry out their activities. John's first mission with MSF was as a nurse in 2011. As he continued with MSF, he worked in a variety of roles and took on more responsibility.



When a person decides it is time to move on from being a humanitarian aid worker in the field, MSF helps staff transition their experience into a career asset.

Staff are able to utilize the skills they develop during their experience with MSF in a variety of ways. The skills acquired in project management, team management, analysis and reporting, negotiation and using foreign languages on a daily basis are valued in a number of sectors.


to depart is also preparing to come back

Our partnership with Résonance humanitaire supports team members during this transition by providing access to a network of contacts: skills assessment, APEL requests and, in some cases, training. 



Recruitment Process

Over 2,000 professionals work in our field locations every year.

Discover Our Recruitment Process

Departure Conditions

Our association is constantly recruiting people with suitable skills for its intervention programmes.

All information on the departure conditions

Expatriation process for MSF national staff

MSF national staff who are recruited in the field can apply to join the association’s international team.

More about it
