Urgence Gaza/Liban

Gaza : après l’annonce d’un cessez-le-feu,
une aide immédiate et massive doit être déployée

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Faites un don


Nos équipes sont mobilisées 24h/24 pour venir en aide aux victimes. Faites un don au “Fonds régional - Urgence Gaza" pour nous aider à poursuivre nos actions dans les zones touchées par ce conflit.

Je soutiens les actions de MSF
Chargement de cargaisons d'approvisionnement venant d'arriver de Bangui à Bangassou, en RCA.
© Borja Ruiz Rodriguez/MSF
Find a role

Log generalist



  • No particular diploma is required ; any specialization in the logistics field is an asset


  • Skills in at least one of the fields of logistics
  • Two years of professional experience
  • Experience in a management position
  • Experience in the associative sector and/or international solidarity and/or in a developping country is an asset


  • 6 months minimum (some projects require 9 months of availability)


  • English level B1 minimum
  • French and/or arab are an asset
Apply for a job

MSF employs generalist, multi-skilled logisticians to work on projects and in hospitals and specialist logisticians for specific technical assignments: mechanics, builders, architects, water, hygiene, sanitation specialists, procurement specialists, electricians and biomedical technicians.

If you want to apply as a specialist technical logistician, please apply directly to the concerned profile by clicking here

  • Logisticians ensure the smooth running of MSF's programmes, by guaranteeing the continuity of the activities for anything that is neither medical nor administrative.
  • Their responsibilities are various and wide-ranging: rehabilitation of hospitals, supervising locally employed staff, organizing transport, cold chain management, maintenance of vehicles and communication systems, local or international supply...
  • Thanks to their creativity and inventiveness, general logisticians find solutions to issues in the field, where many unexpected situations can arise: general logistics are reactive and agile to address the needs.
  • General Logisticians can pursue a professional path within the association, through the offer of various training courses and of progressively high-responsibility roles in the field: Logistics Coordinator, Project Coordinator, Head of Mission.


  • Organisation of the project's infrastructure: small-scale construction and refurbishment works, basic water, hygiene and sanitation activities,
  • Supervising and training logistics teams and locally employed and/or international personnel: watchmen, drivers, hospital logisticians, external hygienists, technicians, etc.
  • Management of the supply chain required by the project: stock management, local and international procurement, monitoring and warehousing deliveries of supplies and equipment, procurement,
  • Management of the equipment required by the project: procurement, installation, maintenance and supervision of equipment (IT, radio communications, vehicles, generators, etc.),
  •  Implement safety management procedures, in collaboration with the project coordinator and the coordination in the capital,Providing logistical support to medical teams,
  • Working with the medical teams and project coordinator to define the operational strategies and logistical objectives of the project.
