Urgence Gaza/Liban

Gaza : après l’annonce d’un cessez-le-feu,
une aide immédiate et massive doit être déployée

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Nos équipes sont mobilisées 24h/24 pour venir en aide aux victimes. Faites un don au “Fonds régional - Urgence Gaza" pour nous aider à poursuivre nos actions dans les zones touchées par ce conflit.

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COVID-19: Khayelitsha Clinic Activities
© MSF/Barry Christiansen
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Infectious disease specialist



  • Medical degree with specialty in infectious diseases
  • Current  registration to the medical council


  • 2 years of practice in hospital context  (internship included)
  • Experience with antibiotic stewardship is essential
  • Experience in HIV care is an asset
  • Experience in the management of tuberculosis is an asset
  • Experience in the management of tropical diseases is an asset
  • Teaching experience and skills transfer desired
  • Management experience is an asset


  • 3 months minimum


  • English or French


  • Ability to work in multicultural and multidisciplinary teams
Apply for a job

MSF's activities cover a wide range of activities relating to infectious diseases (HIV, tuberculosis, tropical diseases, antimicrobial resistance). Of all these activities, antibiotic resistance is the most recent. In projects taking care of particularly vulnerable patients with bacterial infections (war wounded, malnourished children, patients with HIV, etc.), MSF is working to provide access to microbiological diagnosis, to rationalize the use of antibiotics and strengthen infection prévention and control (IPC).

In this context, the MSF field infectiologist may be required to:

  • Understand practices and identify existing problems in collaboration with the teams on site
  • Set up antibiotic stewardship as a priority on projects with microbiology access (burns, trauma, neonatology, malnutrition)
  • Rationalize the use of antibiotics by respecting MSF protocols
  • Train clinical doctors to optimize antibiotic prescriptions and set up training courses adapted to the specific needs of each project
  • Ensure the monitoring of side effects in collaboration as well as the monitoring of the consumption of antibiotics with the pharmacy
  • Set up an antibiotic committee including a multidisciplinary team (pharmacist, doctor, surgeons, microbiologists, IPC, and managers)
  • Set up a documentation system and participate in data collection
  • Audit practices and report ; train national medical teams to carry out this activity
  • In close collaboration with medical teams on site, discuss and define short and long-term priorities and objectives concerning the rational use of antibiotics.
