Urgence Gaza/Liban

Gaza : après l’annonce d’un cessez-le-feu,
une aide immédiate et massive doit être déployée

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Consultation prénatale au centre de santé de Rubingo, en RD Congo, 2016.
© Natacha Buhler/MSF
Find a role

Obstetrician gynaecologist / Gyneco oncologist



  • medical doctor diploma in obstetrics-gynaecology
  • current matriculation in Medical Council/Board
  • subspecialist accreditation  in gynaecological oncology (only for the Gynecologist specialist in Gynaecological Oncology position)


  • solid surgical skills (caesareans, hysterectomies, ectopic pregnancies, complicated deliveries, management of high risk pregnancies, etc.)


  • 6 weeks minimum up to 6 to 12 months


  • basic English is a bonus because ¾ of our missions are English-speaking


  • able to work in multicultural and multidisciplinary teams


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1) The OBSTETRICIAN GYNECOLOGIST is responsible for the general coordination of women's healthcare, with particular emphasis on maternity services. They collaborate with the medical team and supervise the quality of healthcare. They also help to improve the maternity staff's technical performances. They take charge of certain consultations themself and perform technically and clinically complicated interventions, notably surgical.

  • participate in discussions on and the definition of project objectives
  • provide technical expertise in the obstetrics-gynaecology field: quality of patient reception and consideration of their needs, the smooth organization of the department and the patient flow, quality of obstetric care and adherence to medical protocols within the maternity department in liaison with the midwives
  • perform emergency surgical procedures in accordance with MSF protocols,
  • supervise team members' work
  • take part in training offered to the healthcare staff and provide individual mentorship and support 



The management of cancer patients is a new activity for MSF. Two projects started in 2018: prevention and treatment of cervical cancer in Malawi and prevention and treatment of cervical and breast cancer in Mali. These comprehensive and innovative cancer programs develop, in collaboration with the national Ministries of Health, an integrated approach to the diagnosis and management of women's cancers involving vaccination, screening, diagnosis, treatment, surgery, chemo/radiotherapy and palliative care provided by an integrated team of specialists, both expatriate and national.

Cervical cancer

Cervical cancer accounts for 40% of all cancers among women in Malawi and kills an estimated 2,300 a year.  Since the beginning of the program in 2018, we screened more than 20,000 women in Blantyre and Chiradzulu districts and have started building a cervical cancer clinic in Queen Elizabeth hospital, the main university teaching hospital in Malawi. It opened in 2019, with an operating theatre, a 18-bed inpatient ward and a day clinic. Services such as chemotherapy and referral for radiotherapy will be added progressively.

Gynecologists specialized in Cervical Pathology and/or Gynaecological Oncology will be able to collaborate with the medical team and supervise the quality of healthcare in the projects, taking charge of certain consultations themselves and performing basic and complex surgical interventions.

  • participate in discussions on and the definition of project objectives
  • provide technical expertise in the Onco-gynaecology field: helping to improve the staff's technical performances, improving the quality of care in consideration of patients needs, adherence to medical protocols,
  • perform basic and complex surgical procedures in accordance with MSF protocols and international guidelines
  • supervise team members' work
  • take part in training offered to the healthcare staff and provide individual mentorship and support.

Two different positions are available for Gynecologists in our Oncology Projects:

1.- Gynecologist with Colposcopy and Cervical Pathology experience.

Long term position (6 to 12 months). Will be handling the following tasks/holding the following activities:

  • Cervical screening, diagnosis and precancerous lesion treatment: pap smear, VIA screening, colposcopy, biopsy, endocervical curettage, conisation by LEEP, termotherapy
  • Use of ultrasound: abdominal and vaginal US for staging
  • Chemotherapy: use (including neoadjuvant), follow-up, complications of therapy, oncological emergencies
  • Other skills: TOP/STI
  • Participation in MDT meeting with the multidisciplinary team for patients’ treatment pathway (chimio, surgery, radiotherapy palliative care)

2.- Gynecologist specialist in Gynaecological Oncology.

Short term mission (4 to 6 weeks rotation). Will be handling the following tasks/holding the following activities:

  • Cervical cancer diagnosis, staging and treatment
  • Training of complex surgery in low resources environment: Abdominal Radical Hysterectomies, Vaginal hysterectomies, Radical Trachelectomy…
  • Post-intervention follow up of patients
  • Use of ultrasound: abdominal and vaginal US for staging
  • Chemotherapy: use (including neoadjuvant), follow-up, complications of therapy, oncological emergencies
  • Participation in MDT meeting with the multidisciplinary team for patients’ treatment pathway (chimio, surgery, radiotherapy palliative care)
  • Other skills: TOP/STI
