Urgence Gaza/Liban

Gaza : après l’annonce d’un cessez-le-feu,
une aide immédiate et massive doit être déployée

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Centre de Référence en Urgence Obstétricale (CRUO) d MSF à Port-au-Prince, Haiti, Octobre 2015.
© Shiho Fukada/Panos
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  • holds a midwifery diploma


  • 2 years minimum (excluding internship experience)
  • solid experience in the management of high risk pregnancies and complex deliveries
  • management or training experience preferred
  • Working experience on topics such as sexual and reproductive health, sexual and gender-based violence, etc. is an asset


  • 6 months minimum


  • comfortable in English: ¾ of our missions are English-speaking. Level B1 required


  • able to work in multicultural and multidisciplinary teams
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Midwifes have technical experience in the fields of obstetrics and gynaecology. They play an essential role in MSF's mother and child healthcare programmes. They can work in health centres, dispensaries or hospitals.


Over and above maternity-associated activities (ante, per and post natal healthcare), midwifes can be involved in the gynaecology field (sexually transmitted diseases, miscarriages, abortions, sexual violence, etc.).

Generally maternity associated activities include antenatal, intrapartum, immediate postpartum and postnatal care.
A midwife's and other medical professionals (who have a special interest in Women's Health) scope within the field can extend to include areas of gynaecology (management of sexually transmitted diseases, miscarriages & abortions), contraception and community engagement. Women's health can also be linked to access to care for survivors of sexual violence

  • manage a team and supervise the maternity department's organization,
  • intervene in the decision-taking process for medical and obstetric (extractions, caesareans, transfers, etc.) cases and provide technical interventions (episiotomy suture, breach delivery, etc.)
  • Support the decision-making process of the maternity for medical and obstetric complications that may require intervention (referral or surgical or instrumental delivery).
  • monitor the quality of healthcare, adherence to hygiene procedures and understanding of and adherence to medical prescriptions.
  • supervise activities in the maternity department, both in terms of organisation (departmental rounds, planning, organising meetings, etc.) and management (patient admission and transfer, statistical monitoring, orders for materials and medicines, etc.)
  • manage the healthcare team, define job profiles, recruit, evaluate skills, organise training sessions, etc.


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