The physician organizes, evaluates and redirects hospital and / or outpatient consultations medical activities within his area. S/he works in a multidisciplinary team (paramedics, other doctors, logisticians, etc.) and collaborates with the other medical players in the sector (other NGOs, Ministry of Health)
The physician is the medical manager of the service / sector and ensures its proper functioning. S/he is involved in developing the project’s medical strategy. S/he supervises the medical team and works in collaboration with the nursing team, the supervising nurse and / or the director of nursing care . S/he represents and ensures good collaboration with the other health stakeholders. I S/he reports on the activity and suggests improvements.
Outpatient consultations
- ensures medical quality of consultations (duration, physical examination, etc.): good information given to the patient, prescriptions in accordance with protocols, criterias for referrals to other established and respected care structures, etc.
- ensures the evaluation of outpatient activities. Detects changes in attendance and/or the emergence of pathologies with epidemic potential. Proposes solutions.
- in collaboration with the supervising nurse and with the logistician, S/he is responsible for the welcoming and safety conditions of patients (waiting times, dispensing of medicines, hygiene, absence of patient abuse, etc.)
- examines the patients hospitalized in her/his department; diagnoses, prescribes care, complementary examinations and treatments; ensures that hospital records are properly kept; involves patients in their care journey; decide on their discharge/ transfer, ...
- assesses the hospitalization activities of her/his department: monitoring of the main indicators. Suggests improvements.
- in collaboration with the supervising nurse and the logistician, s/he ensures that patients are welcomed and stay in safe conditions (hygiene and infection control, buildings in good condition, waste management, absence of patient abuse, etc.)
- ensures, with the supervising nurse, the supervision of the medical and paramedical team (bedside training, compliance with procedures and protocols, patient’s information, medical orders, etc.)
- manages medical emergencies and is part of the duty roster if needed.