Urgence Gaza/Liban

Gaza : après l’annonce d’un cessez-le-feu,
une aide immédiate et massive doit être déployée

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Nos équipes sont mobilisées 24h/24 pour venir en aide aux victimes. Faites un don au “Fonds régional - Urgence Gaza" pour nous aider à poursuivre nos actions dans les zones touchées par ce conflit.

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Martin, orthopaedic surgeon in Aden, Yemen

Martin, chirurgien orthopédique au Yémen

Martin is an orthopeadic surgeon. Here's his story.

Martin is an orthopaedic surgeon specialised in trauma who has been doing orthopaedic surgery since 1995. He was sent to Aden to improve the team and to give advice on internal fixation. The MSF centre, opened  in Aden in 2012  has 83 beds up until now. Most of the patients are war victims.

According to this surgeon, he found there one of the best and most experienced teams in war surgery he ever experienced in his whole life - with 5 general surgeons and 5 ortho surgeons who all carry big amounts of experience and hardly need any help in treating those cases with the exception of internal fixation on closed fracture and in secondary reconstructive surgery where they just need more practise.

The project was opened in 2012 and up to now there were just under 22,000 in patient cases treated. The MSF trauma centre in Aden is the only hospital which offers a 24 hours service in trauma surgery.

The MSF protocols, applied in all fields, are similar to European standards, and the equipment available is suitable for all types of surgery.



Learn more about the General abdominal-gastric surgeon job

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© Arnaud Drouart/MSF

Burn/Plastic/Hand surgeons needed

Burn and plastic surgery of the hand are done in Haiti, Jordan and the Palestinian Territories. Médecins Sans Frontières began treating burn victims in 2007 in collaboration with a team of specialists from the Edouard Herriot burnt center in Lyon. The burns represent 30% of our surgical activity. Improving our multidisciplinary management of burnt patients remains a priority for MSF.

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© Corentin Fohlen

Learn more about the Pediatric Surgeon job

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