Urgence Gaza/Liban

Gaza : un rapport de MSF dénonce la campagne
de destruction totale menée par Israël

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Nos équipes sont mobilisées 24h/24 pour venir en aide aux victimes. Faites un don au “Fonds régional - Urgence Gaza" pour nous aider à poursuivre nos actions dans les zones touchées par ce conflit.

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Safeguarding Coordinator F/M

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Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) is an international, independent, medical humanitarian organization created in 1971 that delivers emergency aid to people affected by armed conflict, epidemics, healthcare exclusion and natural disasters. MSF is one of the largest independent medical humanitarian organizations in the world, with projects located in 65 countries worldwide. Its work is based on the humanitarian principles of medical ethics; the goal of MSF is to provide emergency care and to offer assistance to people based only on need and irrespective of race, religion, gender or political affiliation. The French section is present in around thirty countries.

MSF Safeguarding statement

As an employer and a practitioner providing healthcare and relief, MSF-OCP frames the conditions to act against mistreatment and abuses and to install a protective and harmless environment for all persons in contact with MSF, namely patients, caretakers, staff, applicants, and partners.

MSF-OCP commits to:

  • Inform, prevent, create spaces for reporting
  • Respond to inappropriate behaviors
  • Ensure patients' rights are promoted and respected
  • Provide inclusive and nondiscriminatory work and healthcare environments in which employees, patients and caretakers are safe, respected, and listened to.

Anyone collaborating with MSF commits to:

  • Respect the fundamental principles of the MSF charter, the behavioral commitments and the Safeguarding institutional policy
  • To subscribe and support the promotion of the Patients’ Charter
  • Alert of any violation of the safeguarding policy through the reporting channels in place.

For our projects, we are looking for a Safeguarding Coordinator.


Opportunities are available throughout 2025 to support our missions in Libya, Uganda, Malawi, South Sudan, DRC, Mali, Burkina, Pakistan, CAR.

The Safeguarding Coordinator is responsible for leading the integration of safeguarding practices (prevention, detection and response to abuse) into MSF missions and programs.

Working closely with all relevant departments and staff, the Safeguarding Coordinator ensures that safeguarding is understood at all levels, integrated into project activities, embedded in recruitment practices, and reflected in our engagement approach with communities and patients. Additionally, the Safeguarding Coordinator will support the mission’s response to abuse, advising on a victim/survivor-centered approach.

Depending on the context, this may include consultations with patients, caretakers, and community members, interactions with partners and collaborators, and networking with PSEA actors (Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abus).

Main responsibilities :

The Safeguarding Coordinator works closely with a variety of staff, such as coordinators at mission and project level, supervisors, staff, volunteers, partners’ staff, community members, patients and caretakers when needed.


  • Conduct/support the mission and the projects to carry out safeguarding risk assessments and monitor the implementation of measures aiming at preventing/reducing the occurrence of risk.
  • Identify gaps in staff awareness and tailor MSF OCP training for various contexts as needed.
  • Sensitize staff and external partners on abuse prevention and on available reporting mechanisms. Identify key staff and train them to become sensitizers.
  • In collaboration with HR department, ensure that safeguarding is integrated into recruitment and HR practices.
  • In collaboration with the relevant departments, deploy a sensitization strategy for patients and community members on safe access to MSF services and access to feedback and complaint mechanisms.
  • Strengthen staff capacity to safely report by identifying obstacles in the reporting system/channels and empower staff to safely handle/receive complaints of abuse.
  • Support the mission response to abuse cases, by providing advice on case management and survivor-centered approach.
Professional skills


  • 2 years’ experience in coordinating or implementing safeguarding activities in the field
  • Experience in protection related fields such as gender-based violence or child protection is an asset
  • At least one experience working in multicultural environments.
  • Humanitarian or/and emergency context is a plus.
  • Experience in designing and integrating accountability tools is a plus.
  • Field experience as a project coordinator/project management is a plus.

Skills and aptitudes:

  • Comprehensive knowledge of safeguarding in the international humanitarian and development sector, including relevant international standards and frameworks.
  • Ability to liaise and provide support to various departments to integrate safeguarding into programs.
  • Strong communication, interpersonal and report writing skills.
  • Ability to identify knowledge gaps and adapt training content facilitate sessions.

Languages: Fluent (B2) in French and/or English. Arabic is also required for Arabic speaking countries

  • Demonstrate integrity, equity, and respect for diversity with a proactive, self-motivated, and collaborative work style.

Position's specificities

Status and availability: Full-time fixed-term contract for 6 to 12 months.

Location: The coordinator position is based in one country/mission. Depending on the scope of the role, the coordinator may either support projects within that country or oversee multiple countries/missions, requiring travel to other locations as well.

Salaries: according to the MSF salary grid and your previous experience in international NGOs if any.

Expected starting date: April 2025

Our wish is to promote inclusion and diversity. We also wish to improve the representation of people with disabilities in our workforce.

Contract type
Fixed-term contract
Contract duration
12 months
Salary (€)
en fonction de la grille salariale de MSF et de vos précédentes expériences dans des ONG internationales
Deadline for submission

MSF pays very close attention to the protection of the personal data of its members, staff and people wanting to join the association. The data collected in the course of your application will be processed in a fair and high quality manner, only by the staff in charge of recruitment, wherever in the world they may be working for an MSF entity. For more information on the processing of your personal data and your rights, please see our privacy policy.
