Urgence Gaza/Liban

Gaza : après l’annonce d’un cessez-le-feu,
une aide immédiate et massive doit être déployée

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Faites un don


Nos équipes sont mobilisées 24h/24 pour venir en aide aux victimes. Faites un don au “Fonds régional - Urgence Gaza" pour nous aider à poursuivre nos actions dans les zones touchées par ce conflit.

Je soutiens les actions de MSF

Ethnic Cleansing Rears Its Head In Zaire

Populations in Masisi suffers untold hardship. This report was first published on November 1996.

\"MSF is deeply concemed by the on-going situation in Masisi, particularly the humanitarian situation of the people whom MSF consider a population in danger. This is a political conflict for which there are only political solutions. MSF therefore appeals to the Zairian authorities and the international community to help the people of Masisi urgently through taking the vital careful and measured political steps to enable the conflict to be resolved and the elements exacerbating the crisis to be addressed.\"


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